Creative Examples of Imports and Exports in ReactJS


When working with ReactJS, understanding how to import and export components, types, and interfaces is crucial. These concepts allow you to create modular, reusable code and enhance your development workflow. In this blog post, we’ll explore various scenarios, provide creative examples, and dive into best practices for imports and exports in ReactJS.

Table of Contents

  1. Importing and Exporting Components

  2. Importing and Exporting Types and Interfaces

  3. Dynamic Imports with React.lazy

  4. Conclusion

1. Importing and Exporting Components

The Magic of Components

Components in React are building blocks of UI. They allow us to create reusable pieces of functionality. But as our app grows, nesting components within a single file becomes unwieldy. Let’s split them into separate files for better organization and reusability.

Suppose we have a Profile component and a Gallery component. Initially, they reside in a root component file (App.js). However, we want to make them more modular. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Create Separate Files: Make a new JS file (e.g., Gallery.js) to house the components.

  2. Export Components: Export the Gallery component as a default export from Gallery.js.

  3. Import Components: In App.js, import the Gallery component using a default import.

// Gallery.js
function Profile() {
  return <img src="[5](" alt="Katherine Johnson" />;

export default function Gallery() {
  return (
      <h1>Amazing Scientists</h1>
      <Profile />
      <Profile />
      <Profile />

// App.js
import Gallery from './Gallery.js';

export default function App() {
  return <Gallery />;

Now our components are neatly organized in separate files, making maintenance and reuse easier.

2. Importing and Exporting Types and Interfaces

In a React TypeScript project, we often define custom types and interfaces. These help ensure type safety and improve code readability. Let’s explore how to export and import them:

Example: Exporting and Importing a Type

Suppose we have a Foo interface defined in FileA.ts. We want to use it in another file (FileB.ts):


// FileA.ts
export interface Foo {
  foo: number;

// FileB.ts
import { Foo } from './FileA';
// Now you can use the `Foo` interface in FileB

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3. Dynamic Imports with React.lazy

Sometimes, we need to load components dynamically, especially for code splitting and performance optimization. React’s React.lazy allows us to achieve this. Consider scenarios like:

  • Navigable tabs with lazy-loaded content.

  • Switch statements rendering different components based on IDs.

  • Feature-flagged components showing UI conditionally.

Let’s explore three creative examples of using dynamic imports with React.lazy:

  1. Navigable Tabs with Lazy-Loaded Content: Imagine you’re building a dashboard with multiple tabs, each displaying different data. Instead of loading all tab content upfront (which could slow down the initial page load), you can dynamically load each tab’s content only when the user clicks on it. Here’s how:

     // Dashboard.js
     import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';
     const Tab1 = lazy(() => import('./Tab1'));
     const Tab2 = lazy(() => import('./Tab2'));
     const Tab3 = lazy(() => import('./Tab3'));
     function Dashboard() {
       return (
             <Tab label="Tab 1">
               <Suspense fallback={<LoadingSpinner />}>
                 <Tab1 />
             {/* Repeat for Tab 2 and Tab 3 */}
  2. Switch Statements Rendering Components Based on IDs: Suppose you’re building a dynamic form where users can add different types of input fields (text, number, date, etc.). Instead of hardcoding each input type, use a switch statement to dynamically load the appropriate component:

     // DynamicForm.js
     import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';
     function DynamicForm({ fieldType }) {
       const FieldComponent = lazy(() => import(`./${fieldType}`));
       return (
           <Suspense fallback={<LoadingSpinner />}>
             <FieldComponent />
  3. Feature-Flagged Components Showing UI Conditionally: Let’s say you have a feature-flagging system in your app. You want to load specific components based on whether a feature is enabled or not. Use dynamic imports to achieve this:

     // FeatureFlaggedComponent.js
     import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';
     const FeatureComponent = lazy(() => {
       if (isFeatureEnabled('myFeature')) {
         return import('./MyFeatureComponent');
       } else {
         return import('./FallbackComponent');
     function FeatureFlaggedComponent() {
       return (
           <Suspense fallback={<LoadingSpinner />}>
             <FeatureComponent />

Remember that dynamic imports should be used judiciously to optimize performance and enhance user experience. 🚀

4. Conclusion

Mastering imports and exports in ReactJS is essential for maintaining clean, modular code. Whether you’re organizing components or handling types, these concepts empower you to build scalable and maintainable applications. Happy coding! 🚀